There has been a few people wanting to know who is currently authorised as a senior marshal, so here is the current list.
Australian Senior Marshals:
Aiden Brock
Alfgeirr Agnarsson
Andrew Daniels
Angharat Benbras
Antoinette Travilliere
Beatrice Malatesa
Berenger of Nancy
Brusi Anderson of the Shetlands
Dareios Rossos
Declan de Burgo
Eva von Danzig
Felix Arnett Von Danzig
Gabriel De Beaumont
Galen Wulfric
Gilbert purchase
Giles Leabrook (Auth Expired)
Gui Von Oberhausen
Guillaume d’Oze (Auth Expired)
Hanbal Reis al Barbary
Hrothgar Aet Gytingbroc
Hrothgar Breaksword
Hugh de Beaufort
Kitan von Falkenburg
Loyola Juan Sanchez Mendoza
Lucas von Aych
Mistress Margie of Glen More
Nathan Blacktower
Niall inn Orkneyski
Orri Vigleiksson
Rioghan of Saarlands
Rowland Bridgeford
Sir Alfar of Attica
Sir Cornelius Von Becke
Sir Jon Dai of the Lane
Sir Kane Greymane
Styvyn Longshanks
Theuderic Batavii
Thorolfr Brantsson
Tomas Askelson
William Castille
Wolfram Flammenherz
Yevan de Leeds
New Zealand Senior Marshals
Bernard Stirling
William de Cameron
Vitale Giustiniani
Rudiger Adler
Matthew Mole
Callum MacLeod
Tycho Julso
Grimm of Thornby
Phillippe de Tournay
Note: The NZ list may be a little old, since I don’t have direct access to the NZ DB. The NZ list was up-to-date as of 15th of March.