Here are the authorisation numbers for the kingdom. (Change since last reporting period in brackets)
588 (+9) people with some form of authorisation in Lochac.
Senior Marshals 54 (-1)
Target Archery Marshals 122 (-1)
Marshals 136 (0)
Auth Rapier Marshal 34 (+1)
Rapier Marshal 70 (+4)
Cut and Thrust Marshal 16 (+1)
Equestrian Marshal 11 (-1)
Auth Equestrian Marshal 10 (0)
Heavy Combat 366 (-2)
Missile Combatant 25 (0)
Combat Archer 152 (+3)
Fibreglass Spear 100 (-3)
Plumed Combatant 191 (-3)
Non-Contact Participant 137 (-1)
Seige Marshal 8 (0)
Seige Crew 10 (0)
Thrown Weapons 64 (-4)
Rapier 179 (+6)
Cut and Thrust 32 (+1)
General Riding 31 (-3)
Mounted games 27 (-3)
mounted archery 16 (-3)
Crest Combat (light) 8 (0)
Heavy Mounted Combat 6 (0)